• Hi, I'm Erín Moure.

    It's about poetry. Falamos poesía. Je suis poète, traductrice et éditeure. Son poeta, tradutora e editora.

    Poet in English and English/Galician, translator of poetry—especially the syntactically strange or "difficult"— from Galician, French, Spanish, Portuñol, and Portuguese to English, from Galician and English to French, plus (with Roman Ivashkiv) from Ukrainian to English. Lives in Montreal, works on the ground and in the clouds. Allergic person, friend, aunty and granty, lesboqueer, cyclist commuter, small footprint on earth, cook. In 2024:

    • EM's French translation of Chus Pato's Chair de Léviathan is out from Éditions Apic in Algiers, in Habib Tengour's collection "Poèmes du monde," distributed in Europe and in Québec by Dimedia. Pamenar Press published the EM translation of Chus Pato's essay/talk on the poem, A Poem Thinks Itself Out in Final Lines, as a gorgeous bilingual book and a free e-book.
    • Chantal Neveu’s you in EM translation (Book*hug) was launched in Montréal!
    • Andrés Ajens's So-Lair Storm from Black Sun Lit is launched online: you can watch it here !
    • Et le 27 novembre 2024 elle a lancé la traduction française de Huit pistes (Le Noroît) par Oana Avasilichioaei !
    • Just finished translating Pato’s latest book, Sonora, wrecently awarded the Premio nacional en poesía 2024 in Spain (all languages) and the Premio da Crítica (Galician poetry category)! News re a publisher soon!

    And.... on March 7, 2024, EM read from Theophylline: A Poetic Migration via the modernisms of Rukeyser, Bishop, Grimké (House of Anansi, 2023) at the Woodberry Poetry Room at an event honouring the voice and work of Muriel Rukeyser.

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    Doctor honoris causa, Universidade de Vigo, Spain, 2016, for contribution to poetry and translation and Galician culture. D. Litt. (hon.), Brandon University, 2008, for contribution to Canadian poetry. Woodberry Poetry Room Creative Fellow, 2017 Harvard University. 2019 International Translator in Residence, Queen's College, Oxford; 2020 Visiting Fellow at Kelly Writers House at UPenn; 2021 Leslie Scalapino Memorial Lecture in Innovative Poetics, "Elisa Sampedrín and the Paradox of Translation, or The Intranslatable" (pdf downloadable from menu a left!). If you have questions, try me here or on Facebook, Twitter (X), Instagram!

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    Since 2020, I have worked online with a group of translator-poets bringing poetry into English in a translation workshop, at first via Brooklyn's Center for Fiction then independently. The class continues as a monthly workshop for 5 translators working on poetic translation projects, translating into English from Spanish, French, and Ukrainian. You can read some of Sonja Greckol's translations of Mexican poet Rocío Cerón in the latest Asymptote , and from the BeautifulOutlaw Press site you can order Jaclyn Piudik's amazing translations into English of Paul Celan's translations of his own work from German into French, The Dark Oar.

    In fall 2021, my translation of Galician poet Chus Pato's Un libre favor as The Face of the Quartzes came out from Veliz Books, and a chapbook of my own work, Retooling for a Figurative Life, appeared from Vallum. Meanwhile, Colette St-Hilaire's French translation of Sitting Shiva on Minto Avenue, by Toots, Toots fait la Shiva, avenue Minto (Le Noroît, 2021) was a finalist for the Governor General's Literary Award in English-French translation and my translation of Chantal Neveu's This Radiant Life (Book*hug, 2020) was awarded the Governor General's Literary Award for French-English translation and the Nelson Ball Prize. Also in Fall 2021, I was Jake MacDonald Virtual Writer-in-Residence at the University of Winnipeg. There were two public events, a reading you can watch, and a conversation with British-Norwegian writer, performer, teacher, and community builder and arts activist Caroline Bergvall as well!

    I'm always very honoured to meet fellow readers and poets. Poetry is a conversation that crosses borders and breaks institutional rules in creating new paradigms and possibilities as it pursues a course of freedom, listening, celebration, support: I am glad to be part of it! Scroll down to see what else i am up to!

  • Books

    Poetry and hybrid poemical doings since 1979, up to 2024.

    Poetry Books

    Theophylline: an a-poretic migration via the modernisms of Rukeyser, Bishop, Grimké. Toronto: Anansi, 2023. Reviewed in the Montreal Review of Books, 2023.

    The Elements. Toronto: Anansi, 2019. Reviewed in the Montreal Review of Books, 2019.

    Planetary Noise: Selected Poetry of Erín Moure, edited by Shannon Maguire. Wesleyan U Press, 2017. Reviewed in the New York Times, 3 November 2017.

    Kapusta. Toronto: Anansi, 2015.

    The Unmemntioable. Toronto: Anansi, 2012.

    Pillage Laud, Toronto: BookHug, 2011 & Moveable Type, 1999.

    O Resplandor. Toronto: Anansi, 2010.

    O Cadoiro. Toronto: Anansi, 2007.

    Little Theatres. Toronto: Anansi, 2005.

    O Cidadán. Toronto: Anansi, 2002.

    A Frame of the Book or The Frame of a Book. Toronto: Anansi, 1999.

    Search Procedures. Toronto: Anansi, 1996.

    The Green Word: Selected Poems 1973-1992. Toronto: Oxford, 1999.

    Sheepish Beauty, Civilian Love. Montréal: Véhicule Press, 1992.

    WSW (West South West). Montréal: Véhicule Press, 1989.

    Furious. Toronto: Anansi, 1988,1992, 2006. 2nd Edition 2018 with intro by Sonnet L'Abbé.

    Domestic Fuel. Toronto: Anansi, 1985.

    Wanted Alive. Toronto: Anansi, 1983.

    Empire, York Street. Toronto: Anansi, 1979.


    Poetry and Performance

    Moure, Erín and Oana Avasilichioaei. Expeditions of a Chimæra. Toronto: BookHug, 2009. 90 pp.

    Scuttersgill-Moure, Empathy. 40 Limericks. Montreal: Zat-So Productions, 2021.


    Essay and Insurrection

    Insecession. In volume w. Chus Pato’s Secession. Toronto: BookHug, 2014. 100 pp. Soon to be reprinted, I hope!

    My Beloved Wager: Essays from a Writing Practice. The Writer as Critic, Vol. 11. Edmonton: NeWest Press, 2009. 352 pp.


    Poetry Chapbooks

    Arborescence. Montreal: Columba Poetry Chapbooks, 2022.

    Retooling for a Figurative Life. Montreal: Vallum, 2021.


    Passports for Further Travel (Moure in other languages)

    Toots fait la Shiva, avenue Minto. Translated by Colette St-Hilaire (French). Montréal: Le Noroît, 2021. Finalist for 2021 Governor General's Literary Award for English-French Translation.

    O Cadoiro. Translated by Uljana Wolf (German). Berlin: roughbooks, 2016.

    Petits théâtres. Translated by Daniel Canty (French). Montreal: Le Noroît, 2013.

    Teatriños. Translated by María Reimóndez (Galician). Vigo: Galaxia, 2007.


    Memoir and History

    Sitting Shiva on Minto Avenue, by Toots. Vancouver: New Star Books, 2017. 102 pp.

    A Century in the North Peace: The Life and Times of Anne and John Callison. Montreal: Zat-So Productions, 2018.

  • Translations


    Avasilichioaei, Oana. Huit Pistes. trad. de l'anglais de Eight Track. Éditions du Noroît, Montréal, 2024.

    Ajens, Andrés. So-Lair Storm. Trans. from the Spanish, selected works. NYC: Black Sun Lit, 2024.

    Neveu, Chantal. you. Trans. from the French of you. Toronto: Book*hug Press, 2024.

    Pato, Chus. Chair de Léviathan. trad. du galicien de Carne de Leviatán. Dans la collection Poèmes du monde, sous la direction de Habib Tengour Alger: Éditions APIC, 2024.

    Pato, Chus. The Face of the Quartzes. Trans. from Galician of Un Libre Favor (2019). El Paso: Veliz Books, 2021.

    Neveu, Chantal. This Radiant Life. Trans. from the French of La vie radieuse (2016). Toronto: Book*hug, 2020. Awarded the 2021 Governor General's Award in the Translation French->English category!

    Novoneyra, Uxío. The Uplands: Book of the Courel and other poems. Trans. from the Galician of poems from Os Eidos and other books (1955 and later). El Paso, TX: Veliz Books, 2020.

    Gelman, Juan. Sleepless Nights Under Capitalism. Trans. from theArgentinian Spanish from Gelman's "translations" of the poems of John Wendell in Colera Buey (1965). Pittsburgh: Eulalia Books, 2020.

    de Castro, Rosalía. In Leaf. Trans. -with annotations & comments- from the Galician of Follas Novas (1880). Montreal: Zat-So Productions, 2019.

    Gómez, Lupe. Camouflage. Trans. from Galician of Camuflaxe (2017). New York: Circumference Books, 2019.

    de Castro, Rosalía. New Leaves. Trans. from Galician of Follas Novas (1880). Sofia Bulgaria: Small Stations, Galician Classics, 2016.

    Turcot, François. My Dinosaur. Trans. from French of Mon Dinosaure (2013). Toronto: BookThug, 2016.

    Pato, Chus. Flesh of Leviathan. Trans. from Galician of Carne de Leviatán (2013). SF: Omnidawn, 2016; introduction by Jen Hofer.

    de Castro, Rosalía. Galician Songs. Trans. from Galician of Cantares Gallegos (1872). A major work in 19th century Galician literature. Sofia, Bulgaria and Santiago de Compostela, Galicia: Small Stations and Xunta de Galicia, Galician Classics, 2013.

    Dupré, Louise. Just Like Her. Hamilton: Wolsak & Wynn, 2011. Trans. from French of Tout comme elle

    Pato, Chus. Hordes of Writing. Exeter, UK: Shearsman, 2011. Trans. from Galician of Hordas de Escritura

    Pessoa, Fernando. Sheep’s Vigil by a Fervent Person. Toronto: Anansi, 2001, reprinted 2004, 2010. Trans. from Portuguese of O Guardador de Rebanhos

    Pato, Chus. m-Talá. Exeter: Shearsman, 2009. Trans. Galician of m-Talá (2000).

    Ajens, Andrés. quase flanders, quase extramadura. Cambridge, UK: CCCP, 2001; Victoria: La Mano Izquierda, 2008. Trans. from Spanish of Más íntimas mistura (excerpt)

    Pato, Chus. Charenton. Exeter, UK: Shearsma, 2007. Trans. from Galician of Charenton.

    Collaborative Translation, Poetry

    Izdryk, Yuri. Smokes. Trans. Roman Ivashkiv and Erín Moure from Ukrainian (selected). Sandpoint, Idaho: Lost Horse Press, 2019.

    Gómez, Lupe. Pornography. Berlin: Frank & Timme, 2013. Trans. Erín Moure & Rebeca Lema from Galician of Pornografía. In Lupe Gómez: libre e estranxeira. Estudos e traducións. Ed. Burghard Baltrusch. Iberoromanic Studies in Literature & Translatology, Vol. 1.

    Brossard, Nicole. White Piano. Toronto: Coach House Books, 2013. Trans. Erín Moure and Robert Majzels from French of Piano blanc.

    Brossard, Nicole. Notebook of Roses and Civilization. Toronto: Coach House Books, 2007. Trans. Erín Moure and Robert Majzels from French Cahier des roses et de civilisation

    Brossard, Nicole. Museum of Bone and Water. Toronto: Anansi, 2003. Trans. Erín Moure and Robert Majzels from French of Musée de l’os et de l’eau

    Brossard, Nicole. Installations. Winnipeg: Muses’ Company, 2000. Trans. Erín Moure and Robert Majzels from French of Installations

    Translation, Fiction, Non-Fiction and Hybrid

    Pato, Chus. A Poem Thinks Itself Out In Final Lines. Trans. from Galician Un poema pénsase con versos finais. London and Toronto: Pamenar Press, 2024.

    Pato, Chus. Open Letter to Europe. Trans. from Galician. Llubjana: Beletrina, 2022.

    Pato, Chus. At the Limit. Trans. from Galician. Montreal: Zat-So Productions, 2018.

    Wilson Bueno. Paraguayan Sea. NY: Nightboat Books, 2017.

    Uxío Novoneyra. Of Stubborn Dreams: The Poetics of Uxío Novoneyra. Parada do Courel: Fundación Uxío Novoneyra, 2017.

    Lopo, Antón. Distance of the Wolf: Biography of Uxío Novoneyra. Parada do Courel: Fundación Uxío Novoneyra, 2017.

    Pato, Chus. Secession. Toronto: Book*hug Press., 2014. Trans. Erín Moure from Galician of Secesión.

    Nogueira, María Xesús; Lojo, Laura: Palacios, Manuela, eds. Creation, Publishing, and Criticsm: The Advance of Women’s Writing. NY: Peter Lang, 2010. Trans. Erín Moure (Galician chapters). Galician and Irish Studies series, Vol 2, General Editor Kathleen March.

  • Recent or soooooon!

    -a hybrid book of poetry/essay, a book about breathing, called Theophylline: An aporetic migration via the moderns of Rukeyser, Bishop, Grimké, started in 2017 at Harvard in the Woodberry Poetry Room, where I was listening to audio archives of Elizabeth Bishop and Muriel Rukeyser and imagining the silent archive of Angelina Weld Grimké, appeared August 2023 (House of Anansi)!

    -Chus Pato's The Face of the Quartzes, a vital and visionary work of poetry, out in English from Veliz Books in 2021!

    -Zat-So Productions published Robert Majzels's deAd liNeS , in January 2023! Ask your library to order it, or get it via Robert's website or online bookstores.

    -Uxío Novoneyra's The Uplands: Book of the Courel and other poems (from the Galician of poems in Os Eidos and others) came out from Veliz Books in 2020.

    -A gorgeous letterpress chapbook of my translations of a sequence of poems by Argentinian poet Juan Gelman, Sleepless Nights Under Capitalism, is out from Pittsburgh's Eulalia Books. Please support these wonderful publishers by buying books—you can click on the titles!


    My Auntie Anne passed away on May 30, 2021 at age 99 in Peace Villa at Fort St. John, B.C. in the North Peace. In 2018, Zat-So Productions published my telling of her story, in the form of a regional history of the North Peace in Canada. Her settler story does nudge the genre of settler and regional history into the present: there are chapters and references to the history of the Indigenous nations displaced from their lands by Treaty 8, insistences on their absolute modernity (and to protect the land we need their worldview to lead us now), and links to their voices and telling ,as they do it best. As well, it is a history of first newcomers, through the story of this one family. It can be ordered here! And there's an October 2022 review of it here... https://thebcreview.ca/2022/10/31/1606-favrholdt-moure-callison/!


    Thank you everyone, grazas, obrigada et merci, for your love of words and for your support of the publishers who bring you these great (but sometimes peripheral!) books.


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    Erín Moure's Kapusta

    a poem-play-cabaret-ash

    from House of Anansi, Toronto.

    with songs by Malenka Dotchka


    read the review in The Puritan here. 

    and in Arc Poetry Magazine here.


  • Working away on...



    Huit pistes, traduction française de Eight Track d'Oana Avasilichioaei, Éditions du Noroît, 2024.

    Chair de Léviathan, traduction française de Carne de Leviatán de Chus Pato, dans la collection Poésies du monde des Éditions APIC à Alger, 2024 (dirigée par Habib Tengour).

    you, by Chantal Neveu, BookHug Press, 2024.

    So-Lair Storm, English translation from Chilean Spanish of selected poems by Andrés Ajens. Black Sun Lit, 2024.

    The Poem Thinks Itself Out in Final Lines, English translation from Galician of essay by Chus Pato. Pamenar Press, 2024.


    -a book of aleatory poems called Dear Diary.

    -a book of memoirs/stories called A Rose in Dreamland.

    -a play-room-cicatrice called Martín!


    Sonora, English translation by Erín Moure from the Galician of Chus Pato. To be announced.

  • Watch, Read, Listen

    Various amusements from the internet, visual and aural....

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    Klara du Plessis reviews Planetary Noise!

    Planetary Noise: Selected Poetry of Erín Moure gathers four decades of poetry from a poet and translator who has persistently reconfigured the linguistic and material relations of English. Moure’s poems and networked sequences are hybrid and often polylingual; they work with contradiction, paradox, and verbal detritus— linguistic hics and blips often too quickly dismissed as noise—to create new conditions for thought and pleasure. From postdramatic theatre to queer and feminist theory, from the politics of citizenship and genocide to the minutiae of digital poetics, from the clamor of love to the shadows of grief and memory, Moure has joyously toppled hierarchies of meaning and parasited dominant discourses to create poetry that crosses borders, embracing hope, not war. This volume, edited by poet and literary scholar Shannon Maguire, also features an extensive introduction to Moure’s poetry, a section of poetry by others translated by Moure, and an afterword on translation by the poet.

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    And if Zat-So Productions did more poetry translations? It flies in the face of reason!

    But I'm old so I insist...

    “We are born as foreigners to all languages.” Chus Pato


    This crazy wee press of mine—famed for tormenting you on Facebook to buy books that only sell 20 copies (though Century in the North Peace has sold 300 or so!)—rises from its prone position on your windowsill to buzz...so many translations of poetry into English need homes and readers, even if there's no economic sense in it!


    Zat-So Productions, using volunteer labour (mine!), makes books that are print-on-demand, and available to bookstores through Ingram, and online at Amazon and Lulu. I volunteer my time as translator and designer, and share any proceeds with the original writers (doesn't amount to much) and allow them to obtain books and sell them at readings etc at cost. Publicity is by social media, and cost of review books/awards submissions are borne by both writer/me.


    Please give us your support by buying books!

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    Monique Mounblow's version of the potato poem in Little Theatres, a poem about peace that on Vimeo, inexplicably, bears a "Mature" warning! Because it's polylingual? PS When you click it says it's unavailable, just click Learn More and you will be brought to the video. Cousas!

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    The original of one of the poems from Kapusta, first written and designed for web publication at the magazine Trickhouse.

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    Three translations from Wilson Bueno's Paraguayan Sea.

    Three snippets from my English (Frenglish w. Guaraní) translation of this Brazilian writer's famed book Mar Paraguayo, which was written in Portunhol with Guaraní.


    The book appeared in fall 2017 from Nightboat Books in my version in Frenglish, with Andrés Ajens' postface from the Argentinian edition, an article by Christian Kent, and an interview with Bueno conducted by Claudio Daniel.

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    Here is our reading on YouTube!

    Chus Pato's first visit to the USA brought her in September 2015 to Harvard University! We read from and talked about Secession and Insecession—biopoetics, translational biopoetics, trans-Atlantic hubbubs and proximities in the Woodberry Poetry Room . In spring 2017, we read together in March at Ottawa's VerseFest, and in Montreal at Drawn & Quarterly Books, and Toronto at knife/fork/book!

  • O Cadoiro - Postface

    does not appear in the printed book! There is a link on the House of Anansi website on the book's page.... that brings you to this freely downloadable pdf:

  • Elisa Sampedrín and the Paradox of Translation, or The Intranslatable

    On March 15, 2021, I had the honour of giving the 2021 Leslie Scalapino Memorial Lecture in Innovative Poetics at the "Translation as Experiment" spring symposium at the Jack @KerouacSchool of Disembodied Poetics at Naropa University in Boulder, Colorado, USA. In response for requests to read the text, I wrote it up and you can download it below...

  • Find Erín.

    Just go to www.facebook.com/erin.moure and leave a message there, please! Or at @erinmoure on Twitter or @vagaceira on Instagram!

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    Author page

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    @ vagaceira

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